Been a long time since someone looked at your breasts? Maybe it’s time for a mammogram.

No one can escape pink in October. From pink T-shirts to shoe laces, breast cancer awareness month is like a month-long baby reveal party reminding us to get a yearly mammogram. Even NFL players run up and down the field donning pink in support of breast health. Admit it—we like boobs. So let’s keep them safe!
I’m no pro. I’ve only had two mammograms in my 40s so I’m not a poster girl for breast health. But since my stepmom is a recent breast cancer survivor, I understand the importance of getting yearly mammograms. My second one was only yesterday and as I was walking in, I remembered how nervous I was the first time. And how surprised I had been that it was easy, quick, not embarrassing and only slightly uncomfortable.

It takes far less time to get a mammogram than it does to make a trip to the grocery store. And even far lesser time than making these pink cake balls. But, I highly recommend you make those too.

Most insurance companies cover yearly mammograms. Even if yours doesn’t or you don’t have insurance, there are programs that cover a portion or all the cost for you. Just ask your physician. Don’t let time or money prevent you from having a mammogram. It could save your life.
I took the picture below in my car on my way to my first mammogram when I was really nervous. They are the reason I did it the first time.

And they are the reason, along with my new husband (September 2019), that I did it again yesterday.

I’ll leave you with a mom joke.
When the mammographer asked me if I’m having any issues with my breasts, I said, “No. Well, yes I am. They get in the way when I’m doing yoga.”
Sweet pink wishes,