Snickerdoodle Blondies and Brown Sugar Brownies I Talked About on TV

Yesterday, Carleen Wild and I talked about doing another food segment on KDLT Kitchen. We tossed ideas around and a few stuck. Mostly, we just wanted to talk about summer, family recipe memories and dishes for a Fourth of July party. I had two pans of bars on my counter because my bags were packed to start my holiday weekend in Minnesota. Since I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to hang out with Carleen, Simon, Aaron, and the KDLT morning crew, I said, “I’m in!” (KDLT is now Dakota News Now.)

Maybe I could share 9 recipes that will knock the flip-flops off your Fourth of July party guests. We talked about some of those recipes today and I showed how to make cute individual pies (without the hassle of pie crust) in canning jars.

I brought these apple ones with me, and an ice cream scoop with no ice cream.
But I usually make cherry. I love the yellow cake mix topping in place of tradition pie crust.

I usually know a good baking recipe when I see one. Last winter, I found this recipe for brown sugar brownies from Gooseberry Patch and I’ve made them several times since then. They are so good I decided to take them to our little Fourth of July get-together in Minnesota.

I recently found this recipe for snickerdoodle blondies from Delish. They remind me of cinnamon nachos, churros, and snickerdoodle cookies all in a nice little square. Click the link above to watch their instructional video.

Carleen talked about an ice cream dish her mom used to make with layers of crumbled cookies and mint ice cream. My son, Sajen, likes something I make that’s similar, only I layer chip and mint ice cream on a pan of brownies instead of using cookies.

That about wraps it up for me. I’m headed to the lake. Happy Independence Day to those of you in the U.S.!

God bless America and comfort food, but not baked beans and cottage cheese mixed together—oh my gosh, Aaron!
Sweet wishes,