Peanut Butter and Chocolate Corn Pops Clusters

Cereal is king at our house. I bake with it almost as much as my kids love eating it. There are boxes that are “OK” to eat and boxes that are “for mom’s baking.” Peanut Butter and Chocolate Corn Pops Clusters are something my mom makes almost every Christmas. You only need five ingredients and you don’t need to bake them so they are nice to make in the summer too. Oh, and for you health-conscious or older folks out there, I noticed it says on the box that the cereal is “a good source of fiber”—so eat up!
Just a few ingredients
Mix cereal and nuts together (and marshmallows if using). Melt the first three ingredients together and pour over cereal & nut mixture. Put on wax paper in clusters and let cool completely. Store in a cool place or in the refrigerator.

When these were cooling, Jason ate them with a shot of marshmallows on the side. I think it sounds like a great idea so next time I make these, I will stir in a cup of mini marshmallows. I added it as an optional ingredient in the recipe so let me know if you try them this way.

I didn’t have any wax paper but non-stick foil works.
What kind of goodies do you make with cereal?
You might also like Chocolate and Peanut Butter Ritz Cookies.

Sweet wishes,

Chocolate and Peanut Butter Corn Pops Clusters
- 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
- 1 cup butterscotch chips
- 2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
- 4 cups Corn Pops cereal
- ¾ cup dry roasted peanuts, or cocktail peanuts
- Mix cereal and nuts together in a large bowl (and marshmallows if using).
- In a saucepan over low-medium heat, melt the chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and peanut butter together. Pour into cereal and nut mixture and stir to fully coat.
- Drop in clusters onto wax paper and let cool completely. Store in a cool place or in the refrigerator.

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All text and images © Staci Mergenthal • Random Sweets