4 Christmas Gifts I Want Now That I’m Older

Decorating the tree and tucking presents snuggly under the branches brings joy to those of us who celebrate Christmas. I know I’m excited to open the box that was delivered from Tiffany & Co. this week. But as I’m prancing around the kitchen this morning, I’m thinking about what gifts I really want to give and receive.

1. If I could give my children and loved ones the gift of seeing themselves as others do, I’d never buy wrapping paper again.

2. True inner peace and happiness for my children and family members. The kind of peace that comes from having faith in God.

3. That my loved ones are here this same time next year.

4. Hope for the future. Each year I put my hope ornament at the top of our tree – a reminder of the year I bought it with some of the last dollars in my pocket.

What are some Christmas gifts that you want now that you are older?
Sweet Christmas wishes,

Merry Christmas and these are the things I would like also plus I would add happiness.
Merry Christmas to one of the most genuine, thoughtful people I’m blessed to know!! I pray all of these for you as well. Sending holiday joy!!
You make my day – so many days in the year Jen. Love, Staci
Staci- what loving, moving sentiments!!! I am tearing up – And I hope all the very, very best for you in 2015
Love, Marie
I love you Marie. I wish the very best for you and David in 2015.