Stir together olive oil, liquid smoke and garlic powder. Place crackers in a large aluminum pan. Pour olive oil mixture evenly over crackers. Toss to coat thoroughly.
Smoker Method
Place pan of crackers on smoker filled with pellets of choice. Heat to approximately 175°F. Smoke for 3 to 4 hours, stirring every 30 minutes.
Remove crackers from heat and cool 5 minutes. Place in airtight container or zipper bag. Refrigerate at least 3 days for optimal infused smoke flavor.
Grill Method with Smoke Tube and Pellets
Heat grill to approximately 175°F. Place pan of crackers on grill. Light smoke tube filled with pellets of choice. Smoke with lid closed for 3 to 4 hours, stirring every 30 minutes.
Remove crackers from heat and cool 5 minutes. Place in airtight container or zipper bag. Refrigerate at least 3 days for optimal infused smoke flavor.