The Crack Was My Best Mistake, Deep Dark Chocolate Cheesecake with Honey Ganache

Hannah graduates from SDSU in a couple of weeks and it was her last day working in our group. Sticking with tradition, we had a food day—no nuts, no peanut butter. Hannah loves chocolate and deep dark chocolate cheesecake with honey ganache is irrefutably the most decadent chocolate dessert I make. And eat.
Perhaps it was the cool air breezing through the kitchen window when I opened the oven door, or maybe I over-beat the batter.
But no matter what it was, the crack in my cheesecake made the perfect cranny for the ganache to nestle into like a silk scarf tucked into a cashmere coat.
I’m hoping I can make the same mistake again. And again. And again.

Deepest Darkest Chocolate Cheesecake with Honey Ganache is on I’ve used the recipe since 2013 when I shared it in Save the bees, make chocolate cheesecake with honey ganache. I use the ganache recipe for a lot of my desserts because I like to use locally-harvested honey instead of corn syrup.
Don’t be afraid to add the coffee to the filling and to the ganache. Just like in Is that coffee in your cookie or just intensified chocolate, coffee simply deepens the flavor of the chocolate.
Sweet wishes,